This Jupyter notebook is intented to be used alongside the book Python for Bioinformatics
Note: Before opening the file, this file should be accesible from this Jupyter notebook. In order to do so, the following commands will download these files from Github and extract them into a directory called samples.
In [1]:
!curl -o samples.tar.bz2
!mkdir samples
!tar xvfj samples.tar.bz2 -C samples
Listing 19.1: Extract sequences from a Genbank file
In [2]:
from Bio import SeqIO, SeqRecord, Seq
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
GB_FILE = 'samples/'
OUT_FILE = 'nadh.fasta'
with open(GB_FILE) as gb_fh:
record =, 'genbank')
seqs_for_fasta = []
for feature in record.features:
# Each Genbank record may have several features, the program
# will walk over all of them.
qualifier = feature.qualifiers
# Each feature has several parameters
# Pick selected parameters.
if 'NADH' in qualifier.get('product',[''])[0] and \
'product' in qualifier and 'translation' in qualifier:
id_ = qualifier['db_xref'][0][3:]
desc = qualifier['product'][0]
# nadh_sq is a NADH protein sequence
nadh_sq = Seq.Seq(qualifier['translation'][0], IUPAC.protein)
# 'srec' is a SeqRecord object from nadh_sq sequence.
srec = SeqRecord.SeqRecord(nadh_sq, id=id_, description=desc)
# Add this SeqRecord object into seqsforfasta list.
with open(OUT_FILE, 'w') as outf:
# Write all the sequences as a FASTA file.
SeqIO.write(seqs_for_fasta, outf, 'fasta')
Listing 19.2: Extract upstream regions
In [3]:
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
GB_FILE = 'samples/'
OUT_FILE = 'tg.fasta'
with open(GB_FILE) as gb_fh:
record =, 'genbank')
seqs_for_fasta = []
tg = (['cox2'],['atp6'],['atp9'],['cob'])
for feature in record.features:
if feature.qualifiers.get('gene') in tg and feature.type=='gene':
# Get the name of the gene
genename = feature.qualifiers.get('gene')
# Get the start position
startpos = feature.location.start.position
# Get the required slice
newfrag = record.seq[startpos-1000: startpos]
# Build a SeqRecord object
newrec = SeqRecord(newfrag, genename[0] + ' 1000bp upstream',
with open(OUT_FILE,'w') as outf:
# Write all the sequences as a FASTA file.
SeqIO.write(seqs_for_fasta, outf, 'fasta')